Sharon Brindle
- Faculty
Sharon Brindle trained at Camberwell School of Art. The practice and study of drawing is central in her work. People are her subject, be it in the depiction of the human figure as an idea or of the individual characterization inherent in portraiture. She has exhibited work in the BP Portrait Award on three occasions and has shown her work in the UK, Italy and New York, with solo shows in London and Jersey. Sharon lives and works in London.
On drawing
Drawing is intrinsic to my practice as an artist, in fact most of my one woman shows have been solely of drawings. The division between drawing and painting often confounds me. Using pastels and ‘pastel painting’, the differences become very blurred.
Drawing is the most wonderful thing. I have loved it since I was a tiny child – the magic of making an image come to life. It is fluid, immediate and available to everyone. To make a mark in life is fundamental – drawing is both a metaphor and one way to do this essential thing.
Drawings can be rough hewn or as fine as silk, they can be tiny or grand in scale, they can take many days to make or a few moments and if you have the means, they can express anything you want to say.
As for my role as a teacher, Picasso said:
‘Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist’ ……
…. So, I hope to teach the ‘rules’ and when digested, look forward to seeing them broken with audacity. That’s about it really.