Ian Rowlands

  • Faculty


Ian Rowlands was born in Liverpool in 1959. He graduated with a BA Fine Art from Norwich School of Art, where he worked under the tutelage of Lessore and Wonnacott. This was followed by three years' graduate study at the Royal Academy Schools where a rigorous approach to drawing from observation was strongly encouraged. The primary focus of his work has centred on the complex architecture and landscape of the human head, but more recently he has turned his gaze to the landscape. An interest in the raw materials of the artist led him into teaching and writing. He has contributed to a number of publications including 'The Observer Guide to Painting', and is the author of 'Foundation course, Life Drawing'.

On drawing

Drawing is of vital importance to making my work; it provides me with the means of thinking and articulating ideas. As a form of visual research, drawing is a means of gathering information and a filter capable of separating the important from the specious. Whether it be an object, a person, or a great painting, the process of drawing is one of empathising deeply with the subject.

Ian Rowlands