The Drawing Year End of Year Exhibition 2015
Royal Drawing School Shoreditch
Dec. 1, 2015 – Jan. 18, 2016
Francis MartinCharcoal on Paper | 24 x 33 -
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 31 x 23 -
Albery Memorial
Naomi TrevorWatercolour and Gouache on Paper | 13 x 21 -
His Father's Cup
Charlie TepasseMixed Media on Paper | 122 x 143 -
Reclining Woman
James BailyOil Pastel | 42 x 30 -
Tim PatrickPastel on Paper | 36 x 46 -
Portrait of a Boy
Esme HodsollInk on Paper | 33 x 25 -
Nights out
James AlbonInk and Colour Pencil | 42 x 116 -
St Pauls at Night
William PierceMonoprint | 30 x 42 -
Francesca MollettColour Pencil | 34 x 51 -
Lying Lady
Esme HodsollGraphite on Paper | 23 x 29 -
William PierceOil Pastel and Pencil on Paper | 30 x 125 -
Series 1
Anna Hawley JarmanPencil on Paper | 63 x 48 -
Liquid Photons
Francesca MollettMixed Media | 84 x 59 -
Through the Gate
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 58 x 42 -
Series 8
Anna Hawley JarmanOil, Charcoal and Pencil on Paper | 53 x 32 -
London 6
Xenie PoldaufovaInk on Paper | 15 x 20 -
Friendly Man
Emily MoreyPaint on Paper | 27 x 22 -
Plate Up
Lottie StoddartFelt Tip and Coloured Pencil on Paper | 20 x 30 -
London 1
Xenie PoldaufovaPencil on Paper | 15 x 20 -
Caitlin StonePencil on paper | 30 x 20 -
Study for the Raft 1
Leila LawrancePastel | 37 x 25 -
Hot Boys
James AlbonInk on Paper | 24 x 30 -
Series 4
Anna Hawley JarmanCharcoal and Pencil on Paper | 33 x 27 -
Josie 2
William PiercePencil on Paper | 22 x 15 -
Joanna and Olivia
Thomas TreherneCharcoal on Paper | 100 x 128 -
Reclining Nude
Esme HodsollGraphite on Paper | 40 x 30 -
Hampstead Heath
Kate KirkEtching | 29 x 26 -
Suki JobsonEtching | 46 x 40 -
Seated Man
James BailyOil Pastel | 42 x 30 -
Series 2
Anna Hawley JarmanCharcoal and Pencil on Paper | 68 x 54 -
African Mountains
Thomas TreherneCharcoal, Pencil and Crayon on Paper | 21 x 29 -
Portrait of a Girl (at Night)
Esme HodsollPencil on Paper | 51 x 38 -
Fertility 4
Xenie PoldaufovaPencil on Paper | 15 x 22 -
A Magical Day at the Band Stand
Emily MoreyMixed Media on Paper | 56 x 76 -
Xenie PoldaufovaEtching | 15 x 10 -
Ev'n from the Tomb the Voice of Nature Cries
Lottie StoddartPencil on Paper | 63 x 63 -
8 o'clock
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 42 x 58 -
Fleet Street Looking South
Harry ParkerPosca Pen on Paper | 29 x 21 -
Parks 1
Oliver MulvihillCharcoal on Paper | 35 x 25 -
Kate KirkPencil on Paper | 60 x 42 -
Geraint EvansCharcoal | 59 x 168 -
Natural History Museum
William PierceGraphite on Pencil on Paper | 42 x 90 -
Camel, London Zoo
Douglas FarthingWatercolour Pencil on Paper | 24 x 31 -
Night-time Conversations
Francesca MollettPencil | 22 x 29 -
Inside the Pantheon
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 77 x 57 -
Charlie TepasseCharcoal Pencil on Paper | 21 x 29 -
Standing Nude
Esme HodsollCharcoal on Paper | 28 x 21 -
Lottie StoddartFelt Tip and Coloured Pencil on Paper | 30 x 20 -
Penguin Pool
James BailyOil Pastel | 60 x 42 -
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 21 x 13 -
Sand Garden 2
Tim PatrickCharcoal on Paper | 42 x 59 -
Life Drawing with Stuffed Fox
James AlbonGouache | 30 x 42 -
Quarry Woods
Kate KirkPencil on Paper | 38 x 28 -
Xenie PoldaufovaInk on Paper | 12 x 9 -
South Kensington
Geraint EvansCharcoal | 15 x 40 -
Eclipse 2
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 15 x 11 -
Suki JobsonGraphite and Ink on Paper | 72 x 51 -
Seated Man
Esme HodsollGraphite on Paper | 32 x 25 -
Ring Dijk
Bobbye FermieChina Marker on Paper | 42 x 44 -
Wallace Collection, European Armour Room
Harry ParkerGraphite on Paper | 38 x 56 -
Water Fence
Francesca MollettMixed Media | 60 x 42 -
Series 3
Anna Hawley JarmanPencil on Paper | 33 x 27 -
Naomi TrevorCharcoal on Paper | 39 x 56 -
La Llorona (the weeping woman) and the River Series 1
Emily MoreyMonoprint and Drypoint | 18 x 26 -
Gatehouse Woods
Kate KirkPencil on Paper | 29 x 19 -
Garden 1
Xenie PoldaufovaInk on Paper | 15 x 20 -
Oliver MulvihillCharcoal on Paper | 25 x 19 -
William PierceGraphite on Paper | 41 x 30 -
Looking Out
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 42 x 58 -
Father and Child
Charlie TepasseCharcoal Pencil on Paper | 21 x 29 -
Sand Garden
Tim PatrickMonoprint | 33 x 41 -
James AlbonInk on Paper | 10 x 12 -
The Walk
Bobbye FermieInk and Oil Pastel on Paper | 30 x 84 -
Bermondsey Market
Xenie PoldaufovaEtching | 11 x 8 -
Night Bus Stop
Francis MartinConte | 16 x 11 -
Romans to Britain 1
Xenie PoldaufovaEtching | 10 x 5 -
Urban Strata
Lottie StoddartEtching | 20 x 25 -
Boy in Bed 2
Esme HodsollEtching | 25 x 19 -
Josephine BirchPen and Ink | 27 x 140 -
Last Train
Francis MartinCharcoal | 39 x 50 -
Josie DeightonCharcoal on Paper | 20 x 39 -
Mother and Daughter 2
Josephine BirchColour Pencil | 42 x 59 -
Remember Me Bangladesh 2
Christabel ForbesMixed Media on Paper | 102 x138 -
Dynamics of Looking 3
Josie DeightonInk on Paper | 15 x 22 -
After Vuillard
Francesca MollettColour Pencil | 34 x 51 -
Clissold Park Leisure Centre
James AlbonColour Pencil on Paper | 42 x 59 -
Tim PatrickEtching | 26 x 28 -
Eclipse 5
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 18 x 13 -
Harry ParkerMixed Media -
Thomas TreherneCharcoal, Pencil and Crayon on Paper | 35 x 54 -
London 3
Xenie PoldaufovaPencil on Paper | 20 x 15 -
Phoenix Gardens
Kate KirkPencil on Paper | 36 x 25 -
Fertility 1
Xenie PoldaufovaPencil on Paper | 15 x 22 -
Douglas FarthingPencil and Charcoal on Paper | 88 x 150 -
Horniman's Bird
Bobbye FermiePencil on Paper | 30 x 42 -
Night Time Dramas
Emily MoreyCharcoal and Chalk on Paper | 42 x 59 -
Boris's Tea Party and the Unexpected Guests
Emily MoreyMixed Media on Paper | 76 x 56 -
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 23 x 23 -
The Complete Works
Lottie StoddartEtching | 18 x 20 -
Transition 2
Bobbye FermieWatercolour on Paper | 21 x 29 -
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 21 x 25 -
Waterloo Place
Oliver MulvihillCharcoal on Paper | 50 x 36 -
The Hunt
Charlie TepasseEtching | 20 x 57 -
Suki JobsonEtching | 42 x 35 -
Nine Adams Road
Josephine BirchPen and Ink | 22 x 27 -
Please can we leave now
Emily MoreyMixed Media on Paper | 111 x 142 -
Oliver on Primrose Hill
Thomas TreherneCharcoal on Paper | 113 x 92 -
Parks 2
Oliver MulvihillCharcoal on Paper | 25 x 35 -
Covent Garden Market
Xenie PoldaufovaInk on Paper | 9 x 12 -
Rude Stones of the Hellenes
Lottie StoddartEtching | 25 x 26 -
Caitlin StoneEtching | 42 x 28 -
Kate KirkPencil on Paper | 37 x 30 -
Eclipse 4
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 13 x 10 -
Tim PatrickEtching | 34 x 29 -
Summers Ending
Bobbye FermiePencil on Paper | 21 x 59 -
Cactus Garden
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 21 x 25 -
Person 3
Naomi TrevorPastel on Paper | 21 x 15 -
Francis MartinCharcoal | 92 x 125 -
Naomi TrevorCaesin on Paper | 25 x 34 -
Charlie TepasseEtching | 33 x 19 -
Garden 2
Xenie PoldaufovaPencil on Paper | 15 x 20 -
Empty Studio
James BailyOil Pastel | 43 x 60 -
Romans to Britain 2
Xenie PoldaufovaEtching | 10 x 5 -
Lowestoft Beach Life Guard Hut
Douglas FarthingCharcoal, Chalk and Watercolour Pencil on Paper | 14 x 22 -
View from the Olympic Park, Southwest
Naomi TrevorPastel and Charcoal on Paper | 37 x 55 -
Putting Everything Back Series 3
Emily MoreyMonoprint and Drypoint | 19 x 27 -
London 5
Xenie PoldaufovaInk on Paper | 15 x 20 -
William PierceEtching | 30 x 42 -
The Fall
Charlie TepasseEtching | 35 x 57 -
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 34 x 35 -
Remember Me Banglasdesh
Christabel ForbesPencil on Paper | 59 x 84 -
Oliver MulvihillPastel and Watercolour on Paper | 54 x 40 -
Canal Nocturne
Geraint EvansInk on Primed Paper -
Indirect Fire Attack, Iraq
Douglas FarthingPencil and Charcoal on Paper | 30 x 42 -
The Palm House
James BailyMonoprint | 42 x 60 -
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 35 x 35 -
Esme HodsollPencil on Paper | 46 x 31 -
Waiting Figure
Francis MartinConte | 16 x 11 -
Bromar Road
Francis MartinCharcoal on Paper | 39 x 50 -
Series 5
Anna Hawley JarmanPencil on Paper | 59 x 43 -
Man Photographing Stars
Thomas TreherneCharcoal on Paper | 106 x 136 -
Person 2
Naomi TrevorPastel on Paper | 21 x 15 -
Theme Park
Geraint EvansCharcoal and Pastel on Paper | 30 x 62 -
Swimming Lessons in Progress
James AlbonInk on Paper | 26 x 34 -
Starry Night
Xenie PoldaufovaEtching, Pencil and Indian Ink | 12 x 8 -
Shoreditch Exterior
Esme HodsollCrayon and Coloured pencil on Paper | 38 x 51 -
Assyrian Cavalry Charge
Douglas FarthingEtching | 53 x 62 -
Parking Bay Loading
Francis MartinConte | 16 x 11 -
Self portrait
Josie DeightonCharcoal Pencil on Paper | 30 x 42 -
Suki JobsonOil Crayon on Paper | 60 x 170 -
Xenie PoldaufovaEtching | 8 x 13 -
Portrait of a Man
William PierceCharcoal on Paper | 59 x 42 -
Regents Park 2
Kate KirkPencil on Paper | 26 x 36 -
Christabel ForbesEtching Ink on Paper | 26 x 54 -
Naomi TrevorPastel and Charcoal on Paper | 26 x 22 -
Ironmonger Row Baths
James AlbonInk and Colour Pencil | 42 x 51 -
Mother and Daughter
Josephine BirchEtching | 37 x 54 -
Naomi TrevorInk on Paper | 28 x 36 -
Heads 2
Oliver MulvihillCharcoal on Paper | 19 x 25 -
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 37 x 51 -
Lion Hunt
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 39 x 35 -
Mother and Daughter 3
Josephine BirchPencil on Paper | 42 x 59 -
Pine Trees
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 58 x 42 -
Tim PatrickCharcoal on Paper | 51 x 71 -
Fleet Street Looking West
Harry ParkerPosca Pen on Paper | 29 x 21 -
Nocturnal View of a Street
William PierceCharcoal on Paper | 30 x 42 -
Life Room Fan
Harry ParkerCharcoal on Paper | 59 x 42 -
Assyrian Lions
Josephine BirchEtching | 18 x 26 -
Abney Hall Antique Sellers
James AlbonInk on Paper | 23 x 26 -
Josie 1
William PiercePencil on Paper | 22 x 15 -
Wandsworth Road towards Battersea
Francis MartinCharcoal | 38 x 55 -
Study for the Raft 2
Leila LawrancePastel | 40 x 26 -
Holland Park
Naomi TrevorWatercolour and Gouache on Paper | 13 x 21 -
Cloud Line
Francesca MollettMixed Media | 59 x 42 -
Josie DeightonEtching | 22 x 28 -
Castle Steps
Josephine BirchInk on Paper | 30 x 17 -
Series 6
Anna Hawley JarmanPencil on Paper | 63 x 49 -
Time is a River
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 37 x 28 -
Fertility Etching
Xenie PoldaufovaEtching | 11 x 18 -
Regents Park
Kate KirkPencil on Paper | 19 x 25 -
Hortus Botanicus
Bobbye FermieChina Marker on Paper | 43 x 60 -
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 34 x 35 -
Geraint EvansCharcoal and Pastel on Paper | 30 x 42 -
Nuraghe Meeting
Lottie StoddartFelt Tip and Coloured Pencil on Paper | 30 x 42 -
Leila LawranceInk on Paper | 32 x 45 -
Studio 1
Leila LawrencePastel on Paper | 113 x 56 cm -
Untitled 2
William PierceEtching | 33 x 40 -
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 42 x 58 -
Eclipse 3
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 14 x 10 -
Seated Woman
James BailyOil Pastel | 42 x 30 -
Francesca MollettPencil on Paper | 50 x 70 -
Eclipse 1
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 23 x 23 -
Person 4
Naomi TrevorPastel on Paper | 21 x 15 -
Monday Night
Leila LawranceCharcoal and Watercolour on Paper | 59 x 42 -
James AlbonInk and Colour Pencil on Paper | 19 x 26 -
Transition 1
Bobbye FermieWatercolour on Paper | 29 x 21 -
After Rembrandt
Charlie TepasseConte on Paper | 42 x 29 -
After Sienna
Douglas FarthingWatercolour Pencil on Paper | 38 x 25 -
After Pignano
Douglas FarthingWatercolour Pencil on Paper | 26 x 38 -
Peckham Arches
Francis MartinCharcoal on Paper | 30 x 42 -
Harringay Canal
Geraint EvansCharcoal | 23 x 34 -
Kate KirkMezzotint and Drypoint | 26 x 37 -
London 4
Xenie PoldaufovaPencil and Silver Ink on Paper | 15 x 20 -
Xenie PoldaufovaEtching | 6 x 11 -
Naomi TrevorMixed Media on Paper | 97 x 56 -
Fertility 2
Xenie PoldaufovaPencil on Paper | 15 x 22 -
Geraint EvansCharcoal and Pastel on Paper | 42 x 119 -
Suki JobsonCharcoal on Paper | 56 x 75 -
Self Portrait
Esme HodsollAquatint | 24 x 17 -
Tea Party
Christabel ForbesOil Pastel on Paper | 40 x 102 -
Heads 1
Oliver MulvihillCharcoal on Paper | 19 x 25 -
Fertility 3
Xenie PoldaufovaPencil and Acrylic on Paper | 15 x 22 -
Josephine BirchPen and ink | 22 x 27 -
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 30 x 20 -
Firle Place
Tim PatrickCharcoal on Paper | 50 x 70 -
Person 1
Naomi TrevorPastel on Paper | 21 x 15 -
Eclipse 7
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 20 x 14 -
John the Baptist
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 35 x 34 -
What Dreams May Come
Charlie TepasseCharcoal Pencil on Paper | 50 x 65 -
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 24 x 46 -
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on paper | 42 x 58 -
Xenie PoldaufovaInk on Paper | 9 x 12 -
A Swarm of Bees
Leila LawranceInk, Pen and Charcoal on Paper | 64 x 90 -
Eclipse 6
Richard MaguireGraphite on Paper | 20 x 14 -
Series 7
Anna Hawley JarmanPencil on Paper | 59 x 47 -
29 Berkenlaan
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 44 x 59 -
Benin Plaque
Lottie StoddartColoured Pencil on Paper | 42 x 33 -
Another Wednesday
Lottie StoddartWatercolour, Colour Pencil on Paper | 22 x 59 -
Hayward Gallery
James BailyChinagraph and Ink on Paper | 27 x 42 -
Victoria Park, Dusk
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 58 x 42 -
Pink Gossip
Christabel ForbesOil Pastel on Paper | 51 x 122 -
Lowestoft Beach
Douglas FarthingCharcoal, Chalk and Watercolour Pencil on Paper | 12 x 23 -
Life Room / Las Meninas
Harry ParkerPencil on Paper | 77 x 56 -
Suki JobsonCharcoal and Pastel on Paper | 57 x 76 -
London 2
Xenie PoldaufovaInk on Paper | 15 x 20 -
Lion Hunt 2
Caitlin StonePencil on Paper | 42 x 29 -
Stamford Hill
Josie DeightonEtching | 14 x 29 -
After Käthe Kollwitz
Kate KirkEtching and Chine-collé | 29 x 27 -
Self Portrait 2
Josie DeightonInk on Paper | 21 x 15 -
Naomi TrevorPencil on Paper | 25 x 10 -
Elvira Rose OddyOil Pastel, Conte and Charcoal on Paper | 42 x 58 -
Dynamics of Looking II
Josie DeightonCharcoal Pencil on Paper | 42 x 59 -
Boy in Bed 1
Esme HodsollPencil on Paper | 40 x 30