Health and Safety Policy

Policy Statement

The Trustees of the Royal Drawing School (RDS) recognise their legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all their employees; these duties being implicit in the above Act and other legislation. They also acknowledge their responsibilities to all of their students and other users of RDS premises (which include Charlotte Road, Trinity Buoy Wharf, Machin Studios, Drawing School Central and Dumfries House).

Health and safety at work is the responsibility of all employees, who must take reasonable care of their own and other people’s welfare, report any situation which may pose a threat to the well-being of any other person and cooperate at all times with the implementation of this policy.

RDS will provide every employee with the training, information, equipment and supervision, necessary to carry out their work safely. If an employee is unsure how to perform a certain task, or feels it would be dangerous to do so, it is their duty to report this to their line manager or person responsible for health and safety.

The Facilities Manager is responsible for implementing and maintaining the appropriate arrangements for safety across all of the School’s premises and activities.

RDS recognises the need for all employees to adhere to this policy, including safety notices or regulations which are displayed from time-to-time, or any other instructions, written or verbal. RDS will invoke disciplinary procedures in case of any deliberate disregard of the policy.

This policy will be continually monitored and updated (at least) every twelve months. The specific arrangements for its implementation and the personnel responsible are set out in the policy. Ultimate responsibility for health and safety rests with RDS trustees, who have delegated its implementation to the Executive Director.

Organisational Structure

Health and Safety organisational chart 1

Health and Safety Organisational Chart 2

Organisational Health and Safety Responsibilities

Executive Director
The Executive Director of the School is accountable for safety performance, and in particular for:

  • Ensuring that adequate resources are available to implement the health and safety policy
  • Ensuring health and safety performance is regularly reviewed at board level
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the health and safety policy
  • Ensuring health and safety responsibilities are clearly communicated to all stakeholders
  • Reviewing the health and safety policy annually

Public Programme Manager

  • Ensuring all risk assessments for the Public Programme are carried out, monitored, reviewed and any significant findings implemented

Head of Foundation and Young Artists Learning

  • Ensuring all risk assessments for the programmes falling under the oversight of the Head of Foundation and Young Artists Learning are carried out, monitored, reviewed and any significant findings implemented
  • Liaising with the Facilities Manager on all Foundation Year health and safety issues, ensuring Technicians carry out any work required and raising issues in a timely manner
  • Ensuring Technicians carry out risk assessments for Foundation Year classes and activities provided at Trinity Buoy Wharf and elsewhere

Young Artists Programme Manager

  • Carrying out risk assessments for all courses and activities that are part of the Young Artists programme

Drawing Year Programme Manager and Head Technician

  • Ensuring that risk assessments are carried out for courses, classes and activities that relate exclusively to the Drawing Year, including core programme classes, study trips (Pignano) and the use of studios provided for students’ own practise

Head Technician

  • Carrying out all risk assessments for courses, classes and activities that take place at Charlotte Road and other venues at which the School delivers activities  
  • Ensuring that risk assessments are carried out for all other School premises and activities (whether on RDS premises or not) not listed above
  • Liaising with the Facilities Manager in regards to the safe storage and use of substances hazardous to health at the Charlotte Road and Public Programme premises, and the Drawing Year studios

Facilities Manager

  • To provide policies, procedures, training, audits/inspections and guidance in assisting the designated appointed persons
  • Keeping and maintaining the health and safety policy document and updating with any new procedures
  • Ensuring that any actions arising from the health and safety audits are addressed
  • Coordinating the risk assessment programme
  • Oversight of the fire control systems at all School facilities
  • Ensuring the School stores and uses hazardous substances in a safe manner, and comply with the COSHH Regulations 2002
  • Liaising with the HSE, insurers and other external bodies
  • Coordinating the health and safety inspection programme
  • Providing or sourcing health and safety training
  • Ensuring safe systems of work are implemented
  • Monitoring premises and work equipment, reporting faults where necessary
  • Identifying the implications of changes in legislation, ACoPs and HSE guidance
  • Conducting Display Screen Assessments for staff and new joiners
  • Conducting maternity risk assessments
  • Ensuring 1st Aid risk assessments are carried out, and there is a suitable provision of trained 1st Aiders
  • Providing investigation as required by RIDDOR for serious accident investigation and submitting reports as required by the RIDDOR Regulations
  • Keeping and maintaining appropriate health and safety records as appropriate
  • Ensuring adequate provision of first aid facilities and training as appropriate

Supporting Policies and Procedures

The following policies and procedures will be covered within this document and apply to all RDS premises and activities, wherever and whenever these take place:

  • Fire policy
  • COSHH policy
  • Manual Handling Policy
  • Risk Assessment Policy
  • Print Room and Studios Policy
  • Training Policy
  • Travel Policy
  • 1st Aid and accident reporting
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • General safety procedures
  • Display Screen Assessment (DSE) users
  • Health surveillance
  • Health and safety committee

Fire Policy

Fire is a significant risk within the workplace. All employees have a duty to conduct their operations in such a way as to minimise the risk of fire. Employees also have a duty to report immediately any fire, smoke or potential fire hazards, such as faulty electrical cabling or loose connections. The Facilities Manager is responsible for the maintenance and testing of fire alarms and fire prevention/detection equipment installed at all premises owned or managed by the School.

In compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, a risk assessment based approach to managing fire safety within the premises will be followed. Based on the findings of the fire risk assessment we will also create an emergency action plan, which provides guidance to all staff and visitors to ensure that in the event of a fire the premises are safely evacuated. Staff will be informed of any changes made to the emergency action plan.

A fire risk assessment will be completed on an annual basis and the findings will be used to develop appropriate control measures to ensure the risks are reduced to a level as low as reasonably practicable. The fire risk assessment will be reviewed at least on an annual basis, or if there are any significant changes to either the premises or the processes undertaken within the premises.

Smoke detectors and manually operated fire alarms are located at strategic points throughout the workplace. If a fire is discovered, it is the responsibility of any employee present to activate the alarm throughout the workplace. If the situation is dangerous or potentially dangerous, the employee should activate the alarm and evacuate the building.

Fire doors designed to slow the spread of fire and smoke throughout the workplace have been installed at strategic points throughout the workplace. Fire doors are designed to close automatically after opening and must never be blocked or wedged open. Fire exits are also located at strategic points throughout the building. Fire exit doors and corridors must never be locked, blocked or used as storage space. All employees must ensure they are familiar with their evacuation route and designated assembly point in case of fire.

A minimum of one practice fire drill will be carried out annually to monitor effectiveness of the fire evacuation procedure and to raise staff awareness.

All electrical equipment will be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Faulty or damaged electrical equipment should be taken out of use until it has been repaired and tested.

Portable appliance testing (PAT testing) will be carried out annually by a competent person.

Any employees with additional fire safety duties, e.g. fire marshals, will be given training on appointment as to their specific duties.

All employees will receive instruction on all of the fire and emergency procedures upon commencement of employment, as a part of the health and safety induction.

Any other person identified to be at risk will receive instruction and training on the fire evacuation procedure.

The fire evacuation procedure is a separate document that is available either on the server, or hard copy from the Facilities Manager.

COSHH Policy

This policy defines RDS’s arrangements for the management of hazardous substances as defined in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002. It requires that the exposure of staff, students and any other persons who may be affected by the work of RDS to substances that are hazardous to health is either prevented, or where that is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled.

This policy has been produced to provide information on the Regulations and guidance as to how to comply, as well as setting out safe working practices. It is not intended to provide a comprehensive guide, and reference will need to be made to other formal COSHH-related documents (e.g. COSHH assessments).

To achieve compliance with the Regulations, RDS will:

  • Identify which substances are used during day-to-day operations
  • Carry out COSHH assessments on these substances, which will include how each substance is used, how it is handled, stored and disposed of
  • Agree on the action required to reduce the exposure where an assessment indicated an unacceptable exposure or risk
  • Provide all personnel using hazardous substances with sufficient information, instruction and training so as to ensure their safe use
  • Label all containers clearly
  • Ensure all staff comply with control measures set out in the COSHH assessments

As well as training, an advisory service on the COSHH Regulations is provided by the Facilities Manager, who should be consulted in the event of uncertainty arising over the correct action to be taken, or assistance being required. Compliance with the requirements of this policy and the accompanying guidance will be monitored by the Facilities Manager during the health and safety audit process.

Organisation and arrangements for carrying out the policy

In order to meet its statutory obligations, RDS has instituted the organisational arrangements detailed below.

  • The Facilities Manager 
    Will keep all appropriate personnel advised of developments in legislative and best practice requirements.
    Will undertake the coordination of compliance with the COSHH Regulations, maintenance of standards and liaison with staff and other personnel. The Facilities Manager is also responsible for carrying out COSHH assessments.
  • TBW Head Technician
    Has overall responsibility for implementing arrangements to achieve compliance with the COSHH Regulations at Trinity Buoy Wharf
  • The Head Technician
    Has overall responsibility for implementing arrangements to achieve compliance with the COSHH Regulations
  • Staff (technicians, self-employed tutors)
    Have the responsibility to implement the requirements of RDS’s COSHH policy within their area of responsibility. They will ensure that any requirements arising from COSHH assessments are met on a day-to-day basis and will bring instances where this may not be possible (or where difficulties are encountered) to the attention of the Facilities Manager.
  • Students
    Have the responsibility to follow any safety guidelines or procedures set out by staff and to work in a safe, responsible manner which does not compromise the safety of the School’s employees or property.

COSHH information
At each location where hazardous substances are in use, a file will be held containing, for each substance, the up-to-date COSHH assessment form, Safety Data Sheet, along with any other relevant information. This must be accessible at all times, being for reference purposes and for use in an emergency by first aid personnel.

Information, instruction and training
All staff working with hazardous substances will receive COSHH training provided by the Facilities Manager or a competent external supplier. The Facilities Manager will supplement such training as required.

All students, self-employed tutors, visitors and contractors will be instructed on the hazardous substances as appropriate.

General storage and safety information

  • Where possible, hazardous substances should be replaced with low-hazard substances (e.g. water based paint instead of oil based, Pritt-Stick instead of spray mount)
  • Barrier creams should be made available for application before handling hazardous substances
  • Eating and drinking is prohibited in all studios and workshops
  • Food and similar containers should not be used for storing small quantities of substances, unless the original label has been removed and new labelling put in place. Ideally purpose-made containers should be used
  • Flammable substances must not be stored in amounts greater than 5L
  • Naked flames must not be used in the studios and workshops, unless part of a work process that has been adequately assessed
  • Paints and solvents must always be covered when not in use, as evaporation takes place continuously and increases as the temperature rises which can lead to the creation of an explosive atmosphere
  • The disposal of paint, clay, plaster, finishes and solvents must not be via the drainage system
  • Fine dusts are a serious explosion hazard, with potential ignition points in electrical motors etc. – regular cleaning must take place to ensure a build-up of dust does not occur

Manual Handling Policy

The lifting and moving of objects should always be carried out using mechanical aids (e.g. sack barrows, skates, trolleys etc.) wherever reasonably practicable. The equipment used should be appropriate for the task at hand.

Employees should not attempt to lift or move a load which is too heavy to manage comfortably.

Employees should not attempt to obtain items from shelves which are beyond their reach. A stepping stool should be used. Chairs, tables or other office furniture should never be used for accessing shelving, items at height or to replace lightbulbs.

Generic manual handling risk assessments have been completed for the distribution of deliveries and similar tasks. For more hazardous operations, such as moving large items or rearranging office furniture, individual risk assessments will need to be carried out. The Facilities Manager will oversee any such assessments.

Risk Assessment Policy

RDS recognises its duties under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to carry out risk assessments, make arrangements to implement necessary measures, appoint competent people and arrange for appropriate information and training.

Risk assessments do not have to be complicated; the level of detail contained in them should be relevant to the level of risks involved with the activity. In many cases a risk assessment will lead to the clarification and documenting of protocols and procedures that are often already in place. The analytical process involved with risk assessment and control can also result in efficiencies in existing processes being identified.

Risk assessments can also assist in the identification of requirements for, and levels of, instruction, information, training and supervision that may be required for the activity.

The policy:

  • To ensure that there is a system by which hazards that have the potential to cause harm to any individuals are identified and that appropriate controls and precautions are put in place in order to reduce the risk of harm to as low as reasonably practicable
  • To inform all those who may be exposed to such hazards the findings of the relevant risk assessment and to clearly instruct, inform or otherwise make aware of the controls and precautions required in order to prevent harm so far as is reasonably practicable
  • To call upon and utilize the knowledge of all staff where considered appropriate in assisting and identifying hazards and developing corrective actions, controls and precautions necessary
  • To promote the understanding of risk and “risk-taking” to all staff and students


  • Facilities Manager
    -   Carrying out annual site risk assessments (including fire risk assessments)
    -   Liaising with Head Technician to ensure risk assessments are carried out
    -   Providing advice and training on risk assessments
  • Foundation Year Senior Coordinator and Foundation Year Head Technician
    -   Ensuring all risk assessments for Foundation Year-related activities, classes and trips are carried out
    -   Ensuring the findings of any risk assessments are implemented in a timely fashion
  • Head Technician
    -   Carrying out risk assessments for classes
    -   Liaising with technicians to ensure risk assessments are carried out
    -   Ensuring the findings of any risk assessments are implemented in a timely fashion
  • Young Artists Programme Manager and Coordinator
    -   Carrying out risk assessments for all Drawing Clubs and Young Artists related activities
  • Off-site technicians
    -   Carrying out risk assessments for the site where they are employed

Record keeping
Risk assessments and associated documents must be kept for a minimum period of four years from the date which they are superseded as they may be required in the event of a claim for compensation (note that claims for compensation can, generally,  be made up to three years from the date of the incident occurring).

Monitoring and review
The risk assessment and control process is not a one-off activity but part of the process for continuous improvement and should be reviewed and revised as appropriate.

Risk assessments must be reviewed:

  • If there has been a significant change in the matters to which it relates
  • If there is a reason to suspect that it is no longer valid
  • At least annually

Print room and Studios Policy (including all off-site locations as necessary)

Walkways must be kept clear at all times as they are used as a fire escape route. In addition, the doors to the print room and studios should never be propped open as they are fire doors. Fire doors help to stem the spread of flames and smoke to other parts of the building.

All new employees (including self-employed tutors) who will be based in Print Rooms or Studios must be inducted thoroughly by a competent member of staff.

Power tools should not be used in the Print Rooms or Studios.

The use of extension leads should be avoided where possible. If they are used, cable covers should be placed on top of any trailing leads to avoid creating trip hazards.

Aerosols (including spray mount) must be used outside of the building.

Where installed, ventilation and extraction systems must be switched on and operating whilst working in the Print Room. If there is an issue with the system, the Facilities Manager should be informed so as to organise repair.

No repairs to machinery, equipment or electrical items should be carried out by members of RDS staff unless suitably trained or qualified. Items requiring repair should be reported to either the Head Technician or the Facilities Manager.

Training Policy

All employees will undertake suitable and sufficient training in regards to their work activities. The types of training include, but are not limited to:

  • First Aid training
  • Fire marshal training
  • Manual handling training
  • COSHH awareness training
  • Risk assessment training

As appropriate training will be provided by the Facilities Manager or a suitably competent external provider.

All new employees training needs will be assessed upon commencement of employment. The Facilities Manager will work with the Finance and HR Senior Coordinator to identify training needs and ensure all employees have undertaken sufficient training.

Ongoing training needs will be reviewed on at least an annual basis.

All training certificates will be kept with the Facilities Manager. The records will be updated on the “Training Matrix”, which is kept on the RDS server.

First Aid and Accident Reporting

This sets out the commitment of RDS to meeting the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. In doing so, it recognises that adequate First Aid provision must be provided to all employees and other persons who may be injured or become ill at work.

This policy and procedure identifies the measures to be taken to meet RDS’s statutory obligations and places day-to-day responsibility for meeting its requirements with the Facilities Manager who shall be responsible for identifying an appropriate level of First Aid provision within the School, based on an estimation of the potential risk of accidents or injuries arising from working activities.

For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure, “First Aid” means –

1. Cases where a person will need help from a medical practitioner or nurse, treatment for the purpose of preserving life and minimising the consequences of injury and illness until such help is obtained, and;

2. Treatment of minor injuries which would otherwise receive no treatment or which do not need treatment by a medical practitioner or nurse (provided by a person trained to the Health and Safety Executive initial, standard, 3 day training course).

Provision of First Aid personnel
The Facilities Manager shall ensure that an assessment is conducted of the First Aid needs, being appropriate to both the circumstances within the Charity, and the risk of accidents or injuries that could arise from activities being carried out. The purpose of the assessment is to establish an adequate and appropriate level of First Aid cover, bearing in mind both routine day-to-day and other non-routine activities (on or off-site). The assessment, which will be a formal written risk assessment, will normally be conducted by the Facilities Manager or other member of staff trained in the risk assessment process.

In assessing needs, the issues identified below will need to be taken into account

  • Workplace hazards and risks
  • The number of RDS staff
  • RDS’s history of accidents and incidents
  • The nature and distribution of the workforce
  • Work patterns (i.e. employees who work shifts and out of hours)
  • The location of the site in relation to hospitals
  • The needs of travelling, remote and lone workers
  • Annual leave and the absence of First Aiders
  • Events where staff, students and the public are participating

Selection of First Aid personnel
When selecting members of staff as First Aiders, the following personal characteristics will be necessary:

  • Reliability and communication skills
  • Aptitude and ability to absorb new knowledge and learn new skills
  • Ability to cope with stressful and physically demanding emergency procedures
  • Their normal duties should be such that they may be released immediately and rapidly to deal with an emergency

First Aid training
First Aid training for RDS will be co-ordinated by the Facilities Manager and Finance and HR Senior Coordinator. Each First Aider must hold a valid certificate of competence in First Aid at Work, issued by an organisation whose training and qualifications are approved by the Health and Safety Executive.

Legal Indemnity
Trained First Aid personnel rendering assistance within the bounds of their formal training will not, in law, be considered to be negligent and, therefore, subject to legal action.

Further advice and details on personal liability insurance can be obtained from the Facilities Manager.

First Aid facilities
The following First Aid facilities will be provided at the premises:

First Aid kits

The Facilities Manager will ensure that the risk assessment identifies, where necessary, the need for additional 1st Aid equipment. It shall be the responsibility of the Technicians at each location to ensure that the kit remains stocked with all necessary items

Accident/Incident investigation and reporting
In accordance with RDS’s accident/incident investigation and reporting procedure, all accidents and incidents, irrespective of whether injury results or notification is required to be made to the Health and Safety Executive, shall be reported using an accident report form.

Information and instruction
It is the responsibility of the Facilities Manager to ensure that all staff and others who may be required to act in an emergency are provided with such information, instruction and training (including refresher training) as is suitable and sufficient for them to operate effectively and efficiently in the event of that emergency. Any further information, instruction and training shall be established from the risk assessment.

First Aid Signs
The Facilities Manager will ensure that First Aid signs are posted within the premises at locations where they can be seen (not obstructed from view) and easily identified. These signs will provide the contact details and locations of First Aiders in the building so that they can be easily contacted in an emergency.

Lone working/out of hours working
Where lone working or working outside of ‘normal’ hours is a feature of the work/studies of identifiable members of staff/students, the Facilities Manager will need to ensure that such persons are provided with an adequate and appropriate level of First Aid cover.

Compliance with this policy and procedure
The compliance with the requirements of this policy and procedure will be reviewed by the Facilities Manager during the annual Health and Safety review.

Major Accident Reporting

All accidents, no matter how trivial they seem, must be reported to the Facilities Manager immediately.

As an employer, the School has legal duties under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). These regulations require the School to report and record some work-related accidents by the quickest means possible. The School must report:

  • The death of any person, excluding suicide
  • Specified injuries to workers and students
    -   fractures, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes
    -   amputations
    -   any injury likely to lead to permanent loss/reduction of sight
    -   any crush injury to the head or torso causing damage to the brain or internal organs
    -   serious burns (including scalding) which:
          covers more than 10% of the body
          causes significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs
    -   any scalping requiring hospital treatment
    -   any loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia
    -   any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space which:
          leads to hypothermia or heat-induced illness
          requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
  • Over 7 day incapacitation of a worker or student – when an employee or self-employed person is absent from work, or unable to perform their normal work duties, for more than 7 consecutive days as the result of their injury. This does not include the day of the accident, but does include weekends
  • Over 3 day incapacitation of a worker or student – accidents must be recorded, but not reported where they result in a worker being incapacitated for more than three consecutive days
  • Non-fatal accidents to non-workers (e.g. members of the public) – accidents to members of the public or others who are not at work must be reported if they result in an injury and the person is taken directly from the scene of the accident to hospital for treatment of that injury. Examinations and diagnostic tests do not constitute ‘treatment’ in such circumstances
  • Occupational diseases
    -   carpal tunnel syndrome
    -   severe cramp of the hand or forearm
    -   occupational dermatitis
    -   hand-arm vibration syndrome
    -   occupational asthma
    -   tendonitis or tenosynovitis of the hand or forearm
    -   any occupational cancer
    -   any disease attributed to an occupational exposure to a biological agent
  • Dangerous occurrences
    -   Dangerous occurrences are certain, specified near-miss events. Not all such events require reporting. There are 27 categories of dangerous occurrences that are relevant to most workplaces, for example:
        the collapse, overturning or failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment
        plant or equipment coming into contact with overhead power lines
        the accidental release of any substance which could cause injury to any person
        For a comprehensive list, please visit

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

This policy forms part of RDS’s Health and Safety policy. It is one of the measures taken by RDS to conform to the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1998.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should only be used as a last resort or as a short term emergency measure while other control measures are assessed. Where PPE is used, it must:

  • be selected taking into account the nature of the hazard and task
  • be provided free of charge to employees
  • carry a CE or BS mark (see below)
  • be maintained in an efficient working order and in good repair
  • be compatible with other PPE
  • be stored in an assigned and suitable area
  • be provided in conjunction with appropriate instruction and training for the wearer

PPE is defined in the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 as meaning all equipment “which is intended to be worn or held by a person who is at work and which protects him or her against one or more risks to his or her health and safety”.

This policy does not apply to working clothes and uniforms which do not specifically protect the health and safety of the worker.

This policy does not apply to work with lead or asbestos.

PPE therefore (for the purposes of this policy) includes items such as the following when they are worn for the purposes of health and safety:

  • aprons
  • gloves
  • safety shoes
  • eye protection
  • lab coats
  • face masks
  • respiratory protection

Responsibilities of Line Managers
Line Managers have the following responsibilities:

  • to ensure suitable and appropriate PPE is provided. This means that the PPE should be appropriate for the risk or risks involved and the conditions where it will be used. The PPE should take account of the ergonomic requirements and the state of the health of the person who is required to wear it. Guidance on the selection of PPE is available from the Facilities Manager
  • to maintain and replace PPE as necessary. This should be done in accordance with the manufacturers guidance and advice where appropriate
  • to provide adequate and suitable storage for all PPE
  • to provide information, training and instruction for employees therefore enabling them to make proper effective use of PPE. Training for PPE users must include the following:
    -   an explanation of the risks present and why the PPE is being used
    -   how to operate the PPE and any limitations of the equipment which may affect the protection offered
    -   instruction on the storage of the PPE
    -   the arrangements for reporting loss of defects of the PPE

Responsibilities of employees
It is the responsibility of an employee to use PPE in accordance with training and to report any loss or defect immediately. The employee also has a responsibility to return PPE to its place of storage after use.

General Safety Procedures

All employees and students should be made aware of, and adhere to, RDS’s rules and procedures on health and safety.

All employees must immediately report any unsafe working conditions or practices to either their Line Manager or the Facilities Manager. Horseplay, practical joking, running in the workplace, misuse of equipment or and other acts which may jeopardise the health and safety of any other person is forbidden.

Employees must not adjust, move or otherwise tamper with any electrical equipment or machinery in a manner not within the scope of their job duties.

No employee should undertake a job which appears to be unsafe.

All materials must be properly and safely used. When not in use, they must be safely and securely stored.

Work stations and work areas should be kept clean and any spillages cleaned up immediately.

Walkways and passages must be kept clear and free from obstructions at all times.

Trailing cables should not be left in any passageway.

Extension leads should never be plugged into one another.

If using a coiled extension lead, it must be unwound fully, if not these have the potential to cause a fire.

Display Screen Assessment (DSE) Users

A display screen user is someone who uses a computer screen for the purpose of their job. This generally applies if a computer is used for 2 hours or more during a regular working day. All display screen users will be given a self-assessment form during the first month of their employment. If any issues are flagged within the self-assessment, a full assessment will be carried out by the Facilities Manager.

Additional assessments will have to be completed if the employee moves workstation, their workstation changes (e.g. new equipment) or if symptoms arise that are attributable to working with a display screen.

Where necessary, staff will be provided with training, information and ergonomic equipment in order to use their workstation safely and correctly.

  • All DSE users are entitled to reimbursement for an annual eye test, for which RDS will reimburse up to £30.00. A receipt must be provided to the Finance and HR Senior Coordinator. If an employee requires specific corrective lenses specifically for use with DSE, RDS will cover the cost of such lenses.

Health Surveillance

Where it has been identified, either by COSHH assessments, risk assessments or medical advice, that an employee is exposed to potentially damaging substances or conditions, RDS will provide health surveillance through a competent external medical practitioner.

This is to be arranged through the Facilities Manager.

Health and Safety Committee

The RDS health and safety committee will meet at the beginning of each term. The following employees will attend (all other staff may also join the meeting):

  • Executive Director
  • Head of Foundation and Young Artists Learning
  • Head Technician
  • Finance Manager and HR Advisor
  • Young Artists  Programme Manager
  • Trinity Buoy Wharf Head Technician
  • Facilities Manager (secretary to the committee)

The committee has a standing agenda and will also discuss all recent accident reports, findings and actions from any relevant risk assessments, ongoing training provision/requirements and any other health and safety concerns.

Minutes of each meeting and associated action points are circulated to all staff and will be reported to the trustees at all meetings of the Staff and Finance Committee, which is responsible to the Board of Trustees for all health and safety matters.

The committee will have the authority to act upon any agreed actions and ensure they are implemented internally.