Our Top Must-See Exhibitions this Summer

May 2, 2023

With so many exciting shows opening this summer (or already open!), we've compiled a list of the ones we're most looking forward to, and if you're feeling inspired yourself, our Summer School courses start in July...

Don't miss...


Peter Doig, Alpinist, 2022. Pigment on linen. Copyright Peter Doig, All Rights Reserved. DACS 2023

Peter Doig, The Courtauld, open until 29 May

See the first exhibition at the newly re-opened Courtauld. The Morgan Stanley Exhibition: Peter Doig presents an exciting new chapter in the career of one of the most celebrated and important painters working today. 

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Life Painting with Andy Pankhurst, Monday 3 - Friday 7 July, Shoreditch studios, 10am - 5pm

The Etching Week with Rossen Daskalov, Monday 3 - Friday 7 July, Shoreditch print room, 10am - 5pm

The Ugly Duchess

Quinten Massys, An Old Woman ('The Ugly Duchess'), oil on oak, c. 1513, 62.4 x 45.5 cm, National Gallery

The Ugly Duchess: Beauty and Satire in the Renaissance, National Gallery, open until 11 June

See one of the best-known paintings in the National Gallery collection and understand its context in a new way. Quinten Massys’s 16th-century depiction of an old woman, a painting known as ‘The Ugly Duchess’, is seen 

for the first time alongside a related drawing after Leonardo da Vinci, showing their shared interest in fantastical, ‘grotesque’ heads and the vibrant artistic exchange between Italy and Northern Europe in the Renaissance.

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Painting a Head with Ian Rowlands and Ishbel Mysercough, Monday 3 - Friday 7 July, Shoreditch studios, 10am - 5pm

Drawing and Painting: The Contemporary Portrait with Rachel Mercer and Leon Pozniakow, Monday 17 - Friday 21 July, online, 10am - 5pm

Stars of Everything

Thornton Dial, Mixed media. 248.9 x 257.8 x 52.1 cm. Souls Grown Deep Foundation, Atlanta. © 2023 Estate of Thornton Dial / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / DACS, London 2023. Photo: Stephen Pitkin/Pitkin Studio.

Souls Grown Deep by the Rivers: Black Artists from the American South, Royal Academy, open until 18 June

For generations, Black artists from the American South have forged a unique art tradition. Working in near isolation from established practices, they have created masterpieces that articulate America’s painful past – the inhuman practice of enslavement, the cruel segregationist policies of the Jim Crow era, and institutionalised racism. Drawing its title from the work of Langston Hughes, Souls Grown Deep like the Rivers brings together sculpture, paintings, reliefs, drawings, and quilts, most of which will be seen in the UK and Europe for the first time. 

Go see...

Photograph: © 2022 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Licensed by DACS, London

Photograph: © 2022 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Licensed by DACS, London

Andy Warhol: The Textiles, Fashion and Textile Museum, open until 10 September

Discover the unknown and virtually unrecorded world of textile designs by the influential pop artist and icon Andy Warhol. Dating from his early career as a commercial designer and illustrator in the 1950s and early 1960s, Warhol’s textiles are now considered an important part of his body of work. 

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The Drawing Marathon taught by various tutors, Monday 10 - Friday 21 July, Shoreditch studios, 10am - 5pm

The Winter Sleepwalker, Joan Aitken

The Winter Sleepwalker, Joan Aitken, book cover © Quentin Blake 1995

Quentin Blake: Book Covers, Aberdeen Art Gallery (Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration), open 8 July - 17 Sept

This exhibition captures the challenge presented with each new cover that Blake created - capturing the essence of a story without giving away too much of the plot. His illustrations need to be carefully balanced with the title and appealing to the changing tastes of different readers. This exhibition features 60 of Blake’s book covers from the 1960s to the present.

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Children's Book Illustration with Emily Haworth-Booth, Monday 10 - Friday 14 July, online, 10am - 5pm

Flux and Flow: Watercolour and Ink (evening) with Nicola Durvasula and Stephanie Forrest, Monday 24 - Friday 28 July, 5 - 8pm


Albrecht Dürer, Knight, Death and the Devil, 1513. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1943, Acc. No. 43.106.2.

Albrecht Dürer’s Material World, The Whitworth Museum, Manchester, opens 30 June

Albrecht Dürer’s Material World is the first major exhibition of the Whitworth’s outstanding Dürer collection in over half a century. The exhibition offers a new perspective on Dürer as an intense observer of the worlds of manufacture, design, and trade that fill his graphic art. Woodcuts, etchings, and engravings, from the Whitworth’s collection, are juxtaposed with a range of objects from Dürer’s time, including armour and tableware, books and scientific instruments, textiles, and exotic artefacts. The exhibition highlights the ingenuity and skill with which Dürer, a leading figure of Europe’s print revolution, represented his material world.

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The Etching Week with Rossen Daskalov, Monday 3 - Friday 7 July, Shoreditch print room, 10am - 5pm


André Derain, La Danse, 1906. Image: © ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2023 / photo courtesy of the owner

After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art, The National Gallery, open until 13 August

The exhibition celebrates the achievements of three giants of the era: Paul Cézanne, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin and follows the influences they had on younger generations of French artists, on their peers and on wider circles of artists across Europe in Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels and Vienna.

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Life Painting with Andy Pankhurst, Monday 3 - Friday 7 July, Shoreditch studios, 10am - 5pm


Dante Gabriel Rossetti La Ghirlandata 1873 Guildhall Art Gallery, City of London

The Rossettis, Tate Britain, open until 24 September

This exhibition follows the romance and radicalism of the Rossetti generation, through and beyond the Pre-Raphaelite years: Dante Gabriel, Christina and Elizabeth (née Siddal). This is the first retrospective of Dante Gabriel Rossetti at Tate and the largest exhibition of his iconic pictures in two decades. It will also be the most comprehensive exhibition of Elizabeth Siddal’s work for 30 years, featuring rare surviving watercolours and important drawings. The Rossettis will take a fresh look at the fascinating myths surrounding the unconventional relationships between Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Elizabeth Siddal, Fanny Cornforth and Jane Morris.

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One Week One Pose with Tim Patrick and Sharon Brindle, Monday 24 - Friday 28 July, Shoreditch studios, 10am - 5pm

Summer School runs from 3 - 28 July in our Shoreditch studios and online.

See the full Summer School Programme