Digital Streaming Studio | Lunchtime Life Drawing | 8 Session Pass

Lunchtime Life Drawing 8 week session pass. Drop-in online drawing sessions with a focus on the human form.

This session pass will give you access to all of the lunchtime sessions in the Autumn Term at a 20% discount.

An hour of drawing in your day can not only improve your drawing skills but also promotes a more relaxed state of mind, reduces anxiety, develop problem solving skills and can simply just be fun! These lunchtime sessions aim to provide a brief interlude of creativity and concentration through drawing in the middle of your day.

With a focus on the human form, each session will give you the opportunity to observe and draw from a live model from your home or workplace. An experienced drawing tutor will guide you through a variety of long and short poses, focusing on different aspects of the body.

Using specialist filming equipment, students will have access to multi-angle perspectives, dramatic lighting set ups and zoomed in frames, only possible online.

Sessions included in this 8 Session Pass:

14 October, 13:00 - 14:00 - Line - Balance and stability

In this session, with the aid of a grid, and using just line, we will look at the relationships of forms within the body that provide balance and stability. Led by tutor Tara Versey.

21 October, 13:00 - 14:00 - Tone – Relationships of form and space

By de-saturating the scene digitally we will have the chance to observe tone and different levels of contrast within the figure and the surrounding space. Led by tutor Tara Versey.

28 October, 13:00 - 14:00 - Drawing space

Understanding space is fundamental to the act of drawing. Drawing the figure is often described as drawing ‘positive’ space, with the background elements being referred to as ‘negative ‘space. In this session, we will look at how to understand the figure within space, balancing drawing the forms of both the model, and the space they inhabit. Led by tutor Fraser Scarfe.

4 November, 13:00 - 14:00 - Foreshortening

In this session, we will focus on drawing the human figure lying down and how to approach drawing a foreshortened figure. Through a variety of short and long poses and with the aid of digital processes, we will learn how to tackle the abstractions and foreshortening made by these positions. Led by tutor Tara Versey.

11 November, 13:00 - 14:00 - Hands

A focus on the complexity and subtlety of hands in various natural positions. With a brief look at the anatomy of our hands and use of the grid, we will consider structure, gesture, individuality and expression. Led by tutor Tara Versey.

18 November, 13:00 - 14:00 - Feet

This session will focus on the structure, flexibility and stability of the feet with the rest of the body. We will observe the mechanics of the feet in stepping up and down and how drawing them can help define space. Led by tutor Tara Versey.

25 November, 13:00 - 14:00 - The head, part 1

This session will focus on drawing the human head with dimension. Students will learn to create dimensionality through light and shade, using just charcoal and erasers. Led by tutor Nikki Gardham.

2 December, 13:00 - 14:00 - The head, part 2

This session will focus on drawing the human head through mark-making. Students will use a variety of marks, lines and strokes to create volume and texture, looking at the surface of the head in more depth. Led by tutor Nikki Gardham.


All you will need are the simple materials of a pencil or charcoal, a rubber, sharpener, some paper and a board to lean on. 

Please note: The Royal Drawing School online models will not pose nude. Models in this series will be semi clothed.


  • All students will need a device that supports the latest version of Zoom
  • Chat support available during the session

Share your work on social media with the hashtag #RDSLivestreamStudio

Featured image by Leggy Gordon