
Starling is a singer and has been coming to drawing courses at the Royal Drawing School for the last year.


Describe your work in the creative industries…

I am a pop singer, my new album is due to be released in autumn 2019. I share the world through my eyes rather than just through the songs I've made; a 360 degree experience - sounds, visuals, words.

Why do you think drawing is important?

Drawing is such a human instinct, dating back to forever ago with drawing on walls in caves. It’s a way for us to share our human experience, how we feel, how we interpret the life around us. No matter what creative field you are in, learning to draw or expressing yourself through drawing, reengages your eye with the world around you. It also develops your taste which is so important -  to have your own distinctive style is what will make your work stand out from the rest; an identity, whatever creative medium you work in, it's imperative.

Shoreditch Exterior

How did you hear about the Royal Drawing School public courses?

I live in Shoreditch so I walk past every day. I thought nothing of it except - lovely building, looks cool. It wasn't until I started reading The Artists Way by Julia Cameron that something came up: in my morning pages (a journaling exercise she asks you to do at the start of the book) I was writing all about my desire to draw again, how I stopped when I left school and how maybe I should just try it again.

What course did you decide to book and why?

I started with the five day Drawing Week during the Easter holidays with Dillip Sur. I had the week off because I was back in London after a long trip to LA where I made my album so I thought it would be the perfect time to jump in to drawing again. The week was intense and amazing; I loved it so much I signed up to the term time 10-week Monday Life Drawing course. Dillip is one of a kind - so passionate and philosophical about drawing; he truly makes me think about what it is to be alive, what it is to be an artist and how to communicate movement, soul and emotion. 


How has this course helped to develop your drawing practice?

Its improved my eye and now I see shapes everywhere, because there is so much focus on when looking at the human form, I’m in tune with silhouette and movement. Dilip talks about the rhythm of drawing, feeling the flow, the action, in such a passionate way. I’ve experimented with blind drawing, two handed drawing and I’m taking more risks; "make bigger mistakes" he says.

In what way has this course impacted your professional practice?

I am inspired to experiment more with my music, with everything. This course has influenced me in so many ways. To take on another art form that's not necessarily the one you are making a living from is such an important thing I think. To do something new, to not know how it will be, to take risks, to experiment, to be in the land of not knowing - that will make the best artists of all us.

Instagram @starlingsworld

To find out more about public courses and to book click here 

This course has influenced me in so many ways. I am inspired to experiment more with my music, with everything. Starling Singer & Public Programme student